=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PSX IMAGE TOOLS by STRUCTURe struct@netcom.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTION --- BAM BAM on the NET http://www.universal.com/users/~magic/sonypsx.htm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTICE: Unautorized duplication of any part of a product which you do NOT own is in violation of copyright laws. This software is designed for persons who own PSX games to explore their contents. It is NOT intended to facilitate any illegal activity. It is illegal for any persons using this software to make duplicates of any content on a PSX disc. It is illegal for any person to distribute files converted by this software. SON OF NOTICE: This software is released as freeware. It may be freely distributed as long as it remains unchanged and this document file is included. ((( - - - - - ))) THE TOOLS ((( - - - - - ))) The two programs included with this archive convert PSX 'TIM' image files into either Targa or Windows Bumpmap files (Amiga owners: if you can't load either of these formats get the datatypes from Aminet.) Both of these formats are uncompressed so they take up a lot of space. If you plan on keeping them around you may want to load them up in some other program and save them off as something else to save space. Both programs have the following same syntax: TIM2XXX Source_file Destination_file If you type the command alone it will echo back its syntax. ------- TIM2TGA ------- TIM2TGA will convert 15/16-bit and 24-bit PSX TIM files into Targa files. With 15/16-bit images the semi-transparency bit is preserved. NOTE: I look through all my discs and couldn't find a 24-bit TIM file, so if anyone finds one please let me know if the conversion works. I suspect that the color channels will be switched around, so if anyone finds one please e-mail it to me! (Or let me know if it works correctly :) You can find examples of these sorts of TIM files on the games Twisted Metal, MotorToon 1 & 2, Destruction Derby plus I'm sure scores of other titles. ( I gotta get more games ;) ------- TIM2BMP ------- TIM2BMP will convert 4-bit and 8-bit PSX TIM files to Windows Bitmap (BMP) format version 3. Unfortunatly, semi-transparency bits are lost. NOTE: Many of these images have palettes with them that are not the same ones used when displayed. The data is all there though... NOTE: I've noticed that some of the files are segmented into blocks. This will cause half of the image to appear at the top and the other half at the bottom... just cut and paste it in Photoshop or ImageFX or similar. NOTE: Sometimes garbage will appear at one or more of the edges of the screen. This is data that is masked off when it's displayed on the PSX... sometimes it can be interesting to see what's there- and other times it looks like a bunch of crap on the edge screen. Samples of these types of TIMs can be found on Destruction Derby, Chess Master (but they look like CRAP!), Twisted Metal, Blockidsm etc... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- WHAT'S NEXT YOU ASK? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Next will most likely be either a RAW 16/24-bit image data to Targa converter, or a PSX VH/VB to WAV audio file converter. It depends on how much time I have... enjoy :) This software was created on an Amiga 3000 with SAS/C++ v 6.51. It was translated and compiled on the PC with Borland C++ v5.0.